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Managing its own image and reputation has never been as essential as it is today. In an increasingly connected and competitive world, it is crucial to stand out whether it is as an individual or a professional.

Personal branding involves promoting your own image and skills, just as a brand would do. This can be done either as a professional or in a personal context. It may involve highlighting a person as a symbol of the company, as a leader, or as an expert who promotes himself during professional events or on social media. It can also be useful for freelancers. Classic tools include speaking at events, publishing books, improving your online profiles, engaging in social media... Here are four valuable tips for creating and maintaining an impressive professional image.

1. Create your brand platform

Personal branding cannot be improvised. It's essential to define what sets you apart from others and establish clear professional goals. Take the time needed to answer questions such as: who are you as a professional? What are your skills, values, and personality? What do you have to offer? What are your areas of expertise? "These questions will help you build your brand platform, define your DNA, and create a consistent and authentic image of yourself", says Emma Volontier, who created the Founder agency, specialized in personal branding.

2. Pamper your storytelling

Your personal branding should be an extension of your personal story. Emotion leaves a lasting impression, and emotion comes through storytelling. It involves amplifying your message by developing a visual identity, a narrative, a lexicon, and a discourse that evokes emotions. "The key to a successful personal brand is to stand out from others, be recognized, communicate strong values, develop a clear vision, and rally a community of engaged ambassadors", recommends Emma Volontier.

3. Be consistent and authentic

Promoting your image doesn't mean compromising yourself. It's crucial to stay loyal to what you are, to your values, and ensure that all your actions and communications are consistent with your personal identity. "Inconsistencies can harm your reputation, and they are particularly visible in the era of social media", warns the specialist. What you say and what you publish should be in harmony with your values, mission, and promises. That’s why it is important to know well your target audience in order to have an appropriate language.

4. Follow the trends in your industry

Relevance is the key to personal branding. It's essential to stay informed about developments in your field and to use trends and hot topics in order to create content that reinforces your expert image. "Keeping up with the news will help you stay relevant and show that you are committed to evolving with your industry. You can also look at what is happening in other fields to find innovative and pioneering ideas", advises Emma Volontier.

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